KTVA Feature Story Highlights McKinley Fire Efforts
Crews from Mennonite Disaster Services, and the McKinley Fire Longterm Recovery Group (convened and coordinated by UWMS) are still hard at work assisting survivors of the McKinley Fire in rebuilding. Work crews will remain in Alaska through the summer and into fall to ensure that homes are completed.
The MFLTRG Donations Warehouse is accepting items to help complete homes. At this time, building materials are most needed. A current list of needs includes:
- Pre-hung exterior doors for 6 inch walls
- Windows, various sizes (for 6-inch walls)
- 2 inch by 12 inch lumber for floor joists
- 2 inch by 6 inch lumber, minimum 8 feet and up in length
- 1 inch by 4 inch lumber, minimum 8 feet and up in length
- Plywood OSB (minimum ½ inch)
- T & G sheeting, ¾ inch for flooring and roof
- T-111 siding
- Ice and water shield rolls
- R19 insulation
- R30 insulation
- Pre-hung interior doors
- Electrical wire 12-2 w/ ground
- Electrical receptacle boxes, single and double sizes
Call 203-1890 with questions or to inquire whether your items are needed.